Your support of ALA is more than just a charitable contribution – it’s an investment in the next generation of African leaders who will work collaboratively to address the continent’s most pressing challenges. By providing resources to develop and connect these future leaders, you are playing a crucial role in building a brighter future for Africa.
Donate to ALA
Donate by bank or wire transfer

USA Account Name: African Leadership Foundation
Account Number: 800513200
Routing number: 2710 7080-1
No. for intl. transfers: 021 0000 89
Account Number: 800513200
Routing number: 2710 7080-1
No. for intl. transfers: 021 0000 89
Donate by check

Please address checks to the African Leadership Foundation. Our mailing address is:
African Leadership Foundation PO Box 7408.
New York, NY 10150.
African Leadership Foundation PO Box 7408.
New York, NY 10150.
Tax information
ALA is registered as a Section 18(A) organization in South Africa. African Leadership Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization established in the United States, follows the friends-of model to collect tax-deductible donations to support ALA. Our tax ID is EIN: 83-0425133. Your charitable contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and may be made safely online, via wire transfer, or by sending a check to one of our offices. For further information, please contact your tax advisor.